Post by Steve Moses on Sept 12, 2015 14:59:18 GMT
Cast Assessment- Week Four
Team Saturn
- Victoria is still quiet as ever. We have the added tension now of me putting her up against Nick in the HOH comp week four. I still can't get past her exterior wall and I fear her very much in this game.
Known allies: Jace, Nick? Britney? Renny? lol
- Nick is right there in the boat with Victoria but he's steering. I am leery and he is much more social than Victoria is. I have tried with him but it's difficult. I'll still keep up appearances but secretly (or maybe not so much?) I want him gone! He did pick me to go in the HOH before many others so that doesn't sit well.
Known allies: Jace, Victoria...lots of people? Renny, Brit? I'm not sure just suspect.
- Renny has jumped wayyy up on my list. We've been talking more and more and she's pretty funny. And seems pretty real. She suggested an alliance between herself, Jason and I. We are the Dahlings. I like it. More to come on her I'm sure.
Known allies: Britney, Day, Jason, Steve. Probably team Saturn?
Team Venus
- Angie was not in my first cast assessment because she came to us week 2. It took a little time to get to know her....It wasn't actually until she was on the block week 3. She was up against Jessie and it was a pretty easy decision to keep her because Jessie didn't even start campaigning to me until the morning of the day votes were due. By then it was too late. Angie and I had a few good talks and when I broached the "working together" subject she offered me a F2 right off the bat! I was a little taken aback. I didn't think she was that sincere about it. I mean, she talked about how close she was to me, how much she liked me, trusted me. Okay, I'm a good guy. I have to admit she has some points. But it was a little concerning. I accepted, of course. Then a bit later I heard from Britney that Angie had approached Brit and Jace for an alliance. LOL, okay, this girl is working the house. Good on her but she drops down on my authenticity scale a bit. I didn't tell Britney or Jace about my deal with Angie but I did tell Jason.
Known Allies: Jace, Britney, Steve.
- Jace is a guy who is fun, funny, and has lots of connections. I believe he is close to - pretty much the whole house lol. I like him a lot but he's going to have to go soon or he's a big threat. Getting nominated against him.... not good.
Known Allies: Casey, Angie, Britney, Jason, Steve, Kevin, Nick, Victoria.
- I still like Casey but our connection has definitely dropped off since week 1. I guess it's a little typical in this game, but our talks aren't that often and only seem to be when he needs to. Like right before the week 4 HOH he wanted to chat and it had been a while. Then he wins and goes silent for at least an hour. Not telling me anything. I find out info from Jason and from Britney, before he says a word to me about his intentions. This tells me where I land on his pecking order. Still, though, I want him to think I have his back and I did vote the way he wanted during his HOH. I made he sure to say it a lot to people because I want those points! Even though, I decided to do it because I felt I needed Day out more than I needed Kevin out right now. Still, Casey is on a need to know basis with me and I am aware of his closeness with some others.
Known Allies: Jace, Rachel, Angie, Steve, Jason, Britney, Kevin.
- She's not that bad. She's not that talkative either. A few people have said they would put her up, though. That makes me want her to stay if she can be a nomination in front of me. Why would I want to get rid of her when so many others are besties?
Known Allies: Team Venus? maybe
Team Jupiter
- Britney is still adorable and I still love her and am close. She tells me I'm her #1 but it's hard for me to buy when she's soooo well-connected. She has shared some things with me, like her alliance with Angie/Jace, her alliance with Kevin/Day. She told me about Day throwing me under the bus as part of her campaign yesterday, but not until after she finally said she was voting for Day because Jace wanted it so bad. She told me it was for me, too, but I didn't even know Day was doing that. I think she's very smart and uses those little tidbits of info she provides to gain herself brownie points. I'm sure there are things she is keeping to herself. It's fine, I am still good with her and I still think she trusts me. I just know she's probably the biggest threat in this game and she can't get to F2.
Known Allies: Steve, Jace, Jason, Renny, Day, Kevin, Angie, Nick, Victoria.
- Caleb is such a cowboy! He's a man of few words lol. I still like him and he didn't put me up when he was HOH. I have so many alliances already but he would be someone I would trust.
Known Allies: Britney, Jace? I'm guessing here but they pretty much have their paws in everyone's cookie jars.
Team Neptune
- Needs to calm down. But, very cute when he's not freaking out.
Known Allies: Jason, Britney, Renny, Angie, Casey, Jace, Kevin, Caleb (loose).
- Day is hopefully out this week but I don't know for sure. If she stays I am nervous. She threw me under the bus in her campaign to stay while calling me her boo on the side. She's the most two-faced, lying, backstabbing little person in this game. And her mouth is SO big. I am over her.
Known Allies: Steve (ex), Kevin (ex), Jason, Britney, the rest of the house per her promises besides Team Venus?
- Jason is stll my #1. There seemed to be a little tension between us when we talked about who to vote out. I ended up wanting Day and he wanted Kevin to go. He pushed back more than I thought he would. He felt Kevin was with Team Venus, and he probably is. He knew Day would probably come after me and that was no concern, which is meh in a way to me because I expect everyone to look out for themselves because I do! I just like the people who at least tell me they do things for my benefit, lol. Anyway, it's probably nothing, just a little hitch. He's a very smart guy, though. And very easy to talk to. Maybe he's even more dangerous than Britney. I still love him and need him right now!
Known Allies: Steve, Jace, Britney, Day, Kevin, Casey, Renny.
- Kevin is someone I am hot and cold on. When he's around to talk, I like him. He seems sincere. But that's just not that often. I think if he stays, he's going to be a target for non-Venus people, so that's fine with me. He can go next week or anytime after that for all I care.
Known Allies: Casey (he put him up but clearly wanted him to stay), Jace, Angie, Rachel?, Britney (loosely), Jason (kinda).