Post by Steve Moses on Sept 1, 2015 3:31:19 GMT
This might sound strange but right now my biggest threat in this game is on my own team! Da'Vonne! I might have said she was like my big sis before...but she's like my bossy, annoying big sis!
Last night in our group chat she said she might not be here and wanted the golden key. I said I might not either and she said she would not be here because of family plans. So, of course, I caved and she has the key and is immune. I knew she just wanted to be safe and that's fine, but she's so obvious about it. I said I would rearrange to be here for the team. But then she shows up 30 min after the challenge starts and starts trying to take control.
She wants us to make an alliance with Team Saturn. The problem with that, I had just been working on a four person alliance between Britney, Jason, Jace and myself. Britney and Jace are not on Team Saturn. I'm sorry, but I'm not good with that deal. I said I didn't agree and now there's tension in our chat. And, per Jason, Kevin said he felt tension last night between Day and myself. Probably because there was.
I'm not playing Day's game. She wants to be HBIC and I have my own allies so she can sit out with her key and do whatever she wants to do. I'm not caving.
Post by Steve Moses on Sept 1, 2015 17:00:39 GMT
Good news & bad news! The bad news first: Rachel is absolutely not going on the block lol. The good news: very good timing in making that alliance with Jace.
I'm guessing Kevin could be a nom given the way he attacked Jace last night with Da'Vonne being his wing man lol. Whoops! Jason and I both knew what was going on and when Jace saw Kevin take out Jen, and then try for Caleb, we encouraged him to log off to draw Kevin's fire. Then we told him when Kevin attacked and Jace logged back on and took him out.
I'm not a big Kevin fan. He didn't talk to me for the first day he was on our team and now he's Day's little buddy. Ohhh but now he's starting to talk as I'm writing. He has something he wants to talk about...I shall return.
Post by Steve Moses on Sept 2, 2015 3:07:20 GMT
Okay, so to update you on my talk with Kevin:
First he told me he thought Da'Vonne bullied me last night, referring to her announcing her decision to make a team alliance between Neptune & Saturn. LOL. Also, he told me that Day told him she was taking the Golden Key before she went into the chat to announce it to our team. After that, he said he wants to work together - primarily him and I. I agreed of course, and was a little careful with what I said about Day because I know he's probably just covering his ass but he's still talking to her. He seems nice enough I just know he ignored me for days and then conveniently asked for an alliance on the day of nominations by Jace, who he happened to target last night.
Jace's noms are good. I don't mind Jen being up. She's just not one of the people I feel closest too. I love the Renny nom, though. If noms stay the same (PLEASE), that's who I want to evict.
I'm not too thrilled that Da'Vonne is playing in veto. Especially since my #11 was rolled first. She announced in our team chat she made a team alliance with Saturn (we have their back for one round) and that she would be saving Renny if she wins it - and I know she's pretty decent in challenges. She also said she'll try to throw.
Who is she kidding? She wants to save Renny's ass because they have an alliance. That's what this whole Saturn thing has been about. I even talked to Nick last night and asked him if there was an alliance set up and he said not that he knew of personally and that he prefers relationships to happen organically. Okay, well that's a crock, too, lol. That's basically telling me he's not into working with me even though I never asked him too. I just wanted to know what he had heard about Day's deal, if anything.
Anyway, I don't believe anything Day says. I don't like her. I don't trust her. She has a HUGE mouth. She is bossy. She is selfish. She is annoying. And what is with the continuous GIFs and need for attention? STOP already! I wanted to hit her with my laser last night when she kept making me look in the challenge thread after her posts.
So, as for our new alliance... I think it seems like it's solid for now. Those things can always shift and change, but that's the game. I also feel good about my standings overall in the game. I just need to try to zip my lip around Day. I feel like, given the chance, she'll try to get rid of me. For now, I just need to stay on her side. Hopefully she'll annoy someone enough to take her out pretty soon.
Post by Steve Moses on Sept 2, 2015 23:00:50 GMT
I feel like I should explain a little more how this alliance with Britney, Jace, Jason and I came to be. I've felt close to Jason since night 1. He's my #1 and the person I can be most honest with. I've felt close to Britney, as well. Jace and I took a little longer to start and we're not as close at this point but I like him a lot.
So, the day of the HOH, Britney approached me and said we should talk game and form an alliance. We decided a four person group made the most sense and both talked about who we like the most. We both agreed on Jason and then narrowed down the 4th to Jace. Then we all talked separately and I finally formed a group chat.
I told Jason everything Britney and I talked about and I do consider those two the "core" of the alliance with me. When I approached Jace, he named Nick & Victoria, then Britney & Jason as people he liked. I have a suspicion Britney had already been talking to Jace to set this up but I'm not really sure. As far as I know Britney & Jace could have a separate alliance going with Nick & Victoria.
Jason doesn't think this was pre set-up by Britney/Jace but, as I told him, I don't care either. way. Basically, if they want an alliance with us then that's a good thing, no matter what they have on the side. Jace won HOH and Jason and I are safe. That's the important thing here. Whether the alliance gets stronger or falls apart will be determined but for now, it's a good thing whether it's loose or tight.
We threw around some alliance names: TMLL (Three Men and a Little Lady) and BB&B (Brains, Brawns & Beauty). Nothing has been set in stone yet.